---title:"NHS Workforce Statistics for `r params$ics_name`"subtitle:"Data for `r params$month_year`"author:"Maria Garcia"date:"2023-09-28"params: ics_name:"North East and North Cumbria" month_year:"April 2023"---
Interweave text and code 🧶
Read in the data
filename =glue("NHS Workforce Statistics, {params$month_year} England and Organisation.xlsx")
The table below shows the total number of doctors and nurses for each organisation within `r params$ics_name`. We can see that the organisation with the most midwives is the `r pull(max_midwives, "Organisation name")` with `r round(max_midwives$Midwives)` staff.
Re-run next month
---title:"NHS Workforce Statistics for `r params$ics_name`"subtitle:"Data for `r params$month_year`"author:"Maria Garcia"date:"2023-09-28"params: ics_name:"North East and North Cumbria" month_year:"May 2023"
Report a different region
---title:"NHS Workforce Statistics for `r params$ics_name`"subtitle:"Data for `r params$month_year`"author:"Maria Garcia"date:"2023-09-28"params: ics_name:"Lancashire and South Cumbria" month_year:"May 2023"