Jumping Rivers
Helloo, I’m Clarissa! I am the Ambassador for Data Science at Jumping Rivers, which just means I talk a lot…
I started out doing a degree in Astrophysics, worked in cyber security for a bit, moved to Newcastle to do a PhD in Quantum Physics before starting to work for Jumping Rivers. I now work from home in Austria!
I love helping people understand their data
I enjoy dabbling at lots of different things
I near Newcastle by the sea 🌊
What is a Data Scientist?
Being a data detective with problem solving skills
Unleash the inner artist
General problem solving
Making peoples lives easier
Exists across all
We asked you two questions:
What’s your favourite fast food restaurant?
What’s your favourite snack?
Biased sample (14-19 year olds)
Sentences rather than one-word
Spaces and capitalisation (e.g “Pringles” / ” pringles”)
Is there missing data?
Sometimes we have different names for the same things
Can we “validate” the data?
Try and be creative
You are the data science consultant. We want to learn something about our penguins
Play around with the shiny app to build a scatter for our penguins.
{fig-alt=“A cartoon of a woman with acne. The spots on her face are real data points” fig-align=“right” width=“350” caption = “https://monachalabi.com/}